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Welcome to Family Service Association of Bucks County near Warminster, PA

At Family Service Association of Bucks County, we are dedicated to providing essential support and resources to families in the Warminster area. Our local family services aim to strengthen and empower individuals and families, fostering resilience and well-being in our community. With a range of programs and services tailored to meet diverse needs, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

Programs and Services

Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Our comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment programs offer compassionate support and evidence-based interventions to individuals and families affected by substance abuse. From counseling to recovery support, we are here to guide you on the path to healing and recovery.

DUI Program: For individuals facing DUI charges, our DUI program provides education, counseling, and support services to promote responsible decision-making and prevent future incidents. We work closely with clients to address underlying issues and help them make positive changes in their lives.

Family Strengthening: We believe that strong families are the foundation of a thriving community. Our family strengthening programs offer support, education, and resources to help families build healthy relationships, enhance communication skills, and navigate challenges together.

Food Pantry: Access to nutritious food is essential for well-being. Our food pantry provides vital assistance to individuals and families facing food insecurity, ensuring that no one goes hungry in our community.

Hispanic Services: We are committed to serving the diverse needs of our community. Our Hispanic services offer culturally competent support and resources to Spanish-speaking individuals and families, promoting access to vital programs and services.

HIV/AIDS Program: Our HIV/AIDS program provides education, testing, counseling, and support services to individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their loved ones. We are dedicated to promoting health, dignity, and well-being for all members of our community affected by HIV/AIDS.

Homeless Services: No one should have to face homelessness alone. Our homeless services offer shelter, support, and resources to individuals and families experiencing homelessness, helping them rebuild their lives and secure stable housing.

Mental Health and Wellness: Mental health is an essential component of overall well-being. Our mental health and wellness programs offer counseling, support groups, and educational workshops to promote mental wellness and resilience for individuals and families.

Pet Pantry: Pets are family too. Our pet pantry provides pet food and supplies to individuals and families facing financial hardship, ensuring that beloved pets receive the care they need to thrive.

Street Medicine: Our street medicine program delivers essential healthcare services to individuals experiencing homelessness or living in underserved communities. Our compassionate team provides medical care, outreach, and support to those in need, wherever they are.

Teen Center: Our teen center offers a safe and supportive environment for adolescents to socialize, learn, and grow. From educational programs to recreational activities, we provide opportunities for teens to develop valuable skills, build positive relationships, and explore their potential.

At Family Service Association of Bucks County near Warminster, PA, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals and families in our community. Through our local family services and comprehensive programs and services, we strive to empower individuals, strengthen families, and build a brighter future for all. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your loved ones on your journey toward health, wellness, and resilience.