A Message from Our Board President
Members of the Family Service family,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we share in the shock and sadness of Audrey’s sudden passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tom, the family and all of Audrey’s loved ones, co-workers and friends. In the midst of our sadness, we still have a clear path to follow. Audrey set that path and we will make sure we honor her memory by continuing to achieve the goals she set for all of us. We will follow her compassion in order to fulfill her vision for the agency, the clients and for the staff. Audrey was a very special leader and her dedication to service for the betterment of Bucks County and its residents will be her lasting legacy.
Joseph C. Bondi
President, Board of Directors
Audrey J. Tucker (Sobel) – Obituary
Joseph A. Fluehr III Funeral Home
‘Visionary’ leader of Bucks nonprofit dies, leaves legacy of service
Bucks County Courier Times
Fitzpatrick Honors the Life of Audrey Tucker
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick | YouTube
Lower Bucks County Nonprofit Leader Passes Away
Condolence Message from Susan Dreyfus
Alliance for Strong Families and Communities